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No, they are supposed to represent advisors.

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11y ago

The Elephant is a piece used in Seirawan Chess. It can move like a knight and a rook.

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Q: Do bishops in chess represent elephants?
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What were Bishops?

chess game pieces

What captures what in chess?

In chess, anything can be conquered by anything ( except bishops on red squares and bishops on black squares and vice versa)

How many bishops start in a chess game?

There are a total of four Bishops ; two Bishops per side/player .

Which game has knights rooks and bishops?


What game has rooks and bishops?

The game is chess.

The religious piece in chess?

The Bishops .

What groups of people do the chess pieces represent in the middle age society?

The kings and queens represent royalty, as the names of the pieces suggests. The bishops represent the Church and its leaders. Knights represent knights or warriors, and rooks represent castles or other strongholds. Lastly, the pawns represent the serfs or the collective poor.

Why are bishops not important?

Because I don't play chess.

How many bishops in chess board game?

in a chess game there are four bishops.Two on each side

What game of skill is played with bishops knights kings?


Why is there a cross on the king piece in chess?

The pieces in chess all represent opposing kingdoms as would have been involved in wars of the distant past. The rooks (chariots), knights, bishops, and pawns represent the allied forces within a realm. In some early forms of chess, the queen was actually a weak piece with the same movement as the king. Later changes in the rules of movement made her the most powerful of the pieces. The queen can move in the same manner as do rooks and bishops. This makes her powerful in attacks. But like all the other pieces, she is still used to protect the king.

What are Components of chess?

The components of Chess are the game board and the pieces. There are 6 different kinds of pieces: the king, the queen, the knights, the bishops, the rooks(castles), and the pawns.