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There is a "queen ant", which is a breeding female. There is no "king" ant, male ants are called "drones". The non-breeding (sterile or sub-fertile) female ants are called "workers". Depending on the species, there can be anywhere from one to ten queen ants in a colony. They are raised from larvae specifically for the purpose of breeding.

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Q: Do ant have a king or queen?
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What is the different between ant and queen ant?

An ant happens to be produced by the queen ant, and the queen ant flies to mate with a male and lays eggs.

What insects have a king and queen?

Termites are insects that have a king and queen. The king and queen are responsible for reproducing and maintaining the termite colony.

What colony does a queen ant Starts?

A queen ant starts a colony of the same type of ant it is. So if the queen is a black ant queen then she will produce black ants, if she is a fire ant queen then she will produce fire ants, etc. (strange question bro)

Is there only one queen ant?

for every anthill there is one queen ant

Is a queen ant important in an antfarm?

Without a queen ant there is no ant farm. The ant farm will die out in a few weeks without one.

Is there a such thing as a queen ant?

A queen ant is an adult, mated female ant in an ant colony; generally the mother of all the other ants in that colony.

How does the Queen ant get in the ant hole if the ant hole is so small?

Altough the Queen ant is big and the hole is small it can still usually fit

Can a red ant queen ant lay a egg with a black ant?

No the red ant soldiers would have have killed the Carpenter Ant before it could reach the Queen Red Ant it would only probably get 10 Feet out of 25 to 50 Ft. down there he would probably then be Eaten by the soldiers before the larvae Section of the nest because the Queen would have sent the soldiers to stop him because in a Nest The Carpenter Ant would have to cross the Larvae section to get to the Queen But if he made it past that he would have been attacked By the Drones which have wings if he made it past them he would fight the King Red Ant which is about 7 Cm. smaller than the Queen Red Ant and if he made it past that he would Confront the Queen Which the Carpenter Ant would have to have a gift for her or she'll reject him and he will have to go as fast as he can back out

Does a queen ant make another queen ant?

yes, because the queen ant does give birth to other female ants which could someday become queens

What do you call the leader of an ant colony?

Yes, ants do have a leader. The queen ant is the leader of all the ants. However, there are ants of a higher rank that tell the lower rank ants what the queen wants. It is sort of like being in the army.

Why isn't there a king with the queen ant?

For something to exist in nature there generally has to be a need. The queen once she has copulated with a suitable male saves the sperm from the male and needs never mate again as she doles the sperm out as it is required. In other words the male is not required after copulation so he simply is not there anymore,