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the squares are named like coordinates on a map there as filed, ranks and diagonals there are numbers and letters the letters go from A to H the numbers go from 1 to 8 there is also other codes and stuff but i wont go into that

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Q: Chess board square names
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One way to represent the state of a chess board as a string matrix containing names of pieces, is to have an array of pointers. Each pointer would either point to a piece name, or it would be NULL, indicating no piece is there... char *board[8][8]; int i, j; for (i=0; i<8; i++) for (j=0; j<8; j++) board[i][j] = NULL; // clear board board[0][0] = "White Rook"; board[0][1] = "White Bishop"; board[1][0] = "White Pawn"; // etc...

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