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Well,it isn't impossible, but it would give white a huge advantage.

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Yes, it is possible.

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Q: Can you win chess without the queen?
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Is it possible to win a chess game with a Castle and a King?

It's possible to win a chess game with any set or number of pieces

In chess is their a queen or a minister?

In the game of chess there is a chess piece called the Queen.

What is the man called who made chess?

There was no man that made chess in third grade my teacher told me that chess was made when a king and queen had to battle another kingdom they invented a game and whomever won that game would win.

What does the shape of the queen in chess represent?

The queen

How can you win at chess?

The objective of chess is to take the king to win the game(war).

What was sam westings famous chess move?

He always sacrificed his queen.

Does Antonin Scalia cheat at chess?

According to rumor, he's been known to detain an opponent's queen without justification.

In chess can the queen skip people?


What are the release dates for The Chess Queen - 1916?

Mated by Chess - 1911 was released on: USA: 9 September 1911

What is the most powerful chess pieces?

The Queen would be the most powerful piece in Chess whereas the most important chess piece would be the King .

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Which chess piece is on e8?

Black Queen