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Yes, and most people do so. However, if your cue has a medium or soft tip, as many cues do, this cushions the contact with the cue ball, and lowering the force of the break. In addition, it will lower the lifespan of the cue tip drastically. The advantage of using a dedicated break cue is to be able to use a very hard tip to get as much energy into the break as possible.

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Q: Can you use a standard pool cue to break with?
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Related questions

Why are break cues in pool shorter?

Break cues in pool are typically 58 inches long. The bridge hand and the stroke determines what is needed for length of a pool cue whether it is for the break or for regular play. Most players use a break cue of the same length as the play cue.

What is a pool cue?

The stick you use when you hit the ball in pool

What to use to play pool?

you have to use a pool stick and 10 or 16 balls counting the cue ball

How do you spell poiculsticks?

It looks like you may be trying to spell pool cue sticks.You use pool cues to play a game of pool, similar to snooker. You do not need the word "sticks" at the end. A pool cue is what it is called.

What is the specialized cue stick used for break in billiards?

The break cue is used for the break in billiards, but under most rules, is not any different than any other cue. A player wants to use a very hard tip and a light cue for a break stick, and may also want a different balance point than for the play cue. The break cue is often also used for jump shots.

Can you use either end of a pool cue to make a shot?

No, you can't use either side.

The term cue is related to which game?

Snooker or pool. It is the stick that you use to hit the ball.

What is a maximum pool cue worth?

There is no maximum price for a pool cue as I personally saw pool cues at the cost of USD 12,000 and more. * Added - There is at least one pool cue that is sold new in the US for $150,000. Highly detailed custom cues and collectible cues that are intended for regular use range from $5,000 to $30,000. There are collectible cues that are not intended for regular use that often sell for more than $100,000.

How many balls are there in a standard pool game?

depends on the game, most common are 8-ball in which there are player plays1-7, the other plays 9-15,then the 8. the other is 9-ball in which there 9. In 9 ball pool you hit the nine ball in last.10 or 16. The three most common pool games are 8 Ball, 9 Ball and Straight Pool. Both 8 Ball and Straight Pool use 15 numbered balls and the cue ball. In 9 Ball, only the first 9 numbered balls are used plus the cue ball.

What is a good pool cue for under 30. I am looking for a 2 piece cue with a 12mm screw on tip around 19-21 ounces. It doesnt have to be a professional stick just a nice one to use for recreational use?

Pool cues are typically 13mm, and you will not find a 12mm except for the more expensive cues. The best choice is a good used cue, but you can look for a low end new cue such as Viking or Adams.

What brand of pool cue do world champs use?

The only answer is the one they like. No brand dominates the market.

Where can you find a place that can help you identify an old meucci pool cue and find out its value?

Meucci is still in business and has a catalog of their pool cues that can help you in identifyin an old cue. They can also help you determine its value. Use the link below to contact Meucci.