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In the event that one player moves a pawn to the other side of the board, the pawn is "promoted" to any piece that player wants. It does not have to be a piece that has already been captured. This means that a player can get a second Queen if the original queen has not been taken. Since the original queen is still on the board it cannot be used as the second queen. If that player has lost a rook, that rook is turned upside down and put on the board to represent the second queen.

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16y ago
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15y ago


any piece can take any other piece.


Actually - a King cant take a King because to get within one square the king would be putting himself in "check"

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16y ago

When the opposing queen is vulnerable, it can be taken by any defender (pawn, rook, knight, bishop, etc)

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15y ago

Yes, even the Queen, the most powerful piece on the Chess board may be caprtured by any other piece, even the lowly pawn.

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15y ago

Yes, in chess this move is possible just as long nothing is protecting (infront,side) of the black rook.

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15y ago

You may capture a queen with any piece, be it a rook, a pawn, or even a king.

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What are some of the chess pieces?

Queen, Rook, Bishop, Knight, Pawn, King

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Pawn, Bishop, Rook, Knight, King and Queen.

What happens when a rook gets turned upside down in chess?

it Becomes A Queen

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The queen can do the same moves as a bishop and a rook.

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Pawn, Knight, Bishop, Rook, Queen, and the King.

In which country was chess first developed?

India, where chess was played with an Elephant instead of a Rook and no Queen, other changes were signigicant from modern chess but are lost to history. The Europeans got a hold of chess and then turned the pieces int more recognizable characters, hence knight, king, queen, and rook.

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No. There is no empress, just King, Queen, Rook, Bishop, Knight, Pawn.

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Front row: pawns Back row: rook, knight, bishop, queen, king, bishop, knight, and rook

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Other than the King , the Queen is the most powerful chess piece upon the board at nine points and in terms of movement .

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Pawn, King, Queen, castle(rook), Bishop, Knight (horse),

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the rook, which is another name for a castle in chess

What is the characters name of chess?

If you meant the names of the chessmen - there's the king , queen , rook , bishop , knight and pawn .