It is chlorine reacting with the metals in your pool water.
sounds like well water - it's the shock mixing with metals in the water. it'll go away as the chemicals are brought to normal. pool places can also help.
If the pool is shocked give it a scrub down with a pool broom / brush leave it for a day then vacuum the rubbish of the bottom. If there is a lot of algae present Vacuum to waste
Barbara Bush was shocked to find a rat with her one day while swimming.
Have you tried putting some chlorine in?
No you have to wait 6 weeks with any peircing :)
No. The pool temperature will stay somewhere in between and fluctuate very slowly.
Pool Day - 2011 was released on: USA: 26 July 2011
I once had that same thing although it was greyish/white, it was the earth from my pool pump.
i would use algaecide and vaccum and it would coem back after a day or 2 on the surface, i tried brushed and getting it into the mix of the water and algaecide it -samething what i found to work so far is vaccum your floor, back wash the filter and then brush the walls and floor, the water will get cloudy, then add alagecide, then 20 min later add 5 lbs of shock. the water will bubble this is the killing process, run filter 24 hrs and reasses situation. I backwashed again, and checked levels . obviously chloring is still plenty, but i revaccumed, adde dmore algaecide, and ran the filter over night surprisingly the chloring level on the 3rd day was in 40% so the algae ate it. 2 more lbs of shock, and 8 hrs of filter and i can say im in need of a ultra brte, water clarify only i need to pump 8 hrs a day at least 5 times a week, and add algaecide every 5-7 days and ill be ok
Overnight or same day with the proper size equipment and pump or pumps. K
I like to swim every day in the pool.