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Q: Can you kill a piece in chess if it is against the edge of the board?
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Which two pieces stand of each side of the king in a chess game?

There is a bishop on the side closer to the edge of the board and a queen on the other side.

Is it a victory if any of your pieces reach the opponent's last edge?

No, you only win chess if you capture your opponent's king. Note: there is a little known rule that is you can get a pawn to your opponent's edge you can promote it to any piece you want except a king.

What do you call a piece of the Circle's edge?

A piece of an edge of a circle is called an ARC.

How do you cut edge banding on the table saw and get consistent thicknesses?

Screw a board to the fence so you can get close to the blade and make sure you hold the board against it when you run it through.

What Is Wane in Lumber?

Wane in lumber refers to the presence of the rounded edges or corners of a piece of wood, usually due to improper sawing or shaping. This can reduce the usable surface area of the board and affect its structural integrity. It is important to minimize wane to ensure the strength and quality of the lumber.

What is algebraic system in chess?

The algebraic system in chess is the letters and numbers that run along the edge of some chess boards. It is actually called algebraic notation and is quite useful in chess. To find out more about this, you can visit

What board game has coloured squares around the outer edge of board?


How can you cut a 8 foot by 3 foot board into two pieces so that both pieces together cover a 12 foot by 2 foot board?

With the board with the 3 ft edge towards you mark 1 ft from the right hand edge. 4 ft along the right hand edge mark in 1 ft. Join the 1 ft marks.Turn the board around so that the other 3 ft ends is towards you and repeat the markings.Now join the ends of the lines at the centre of the board (with should be 1 ft long).Now cut along the lines.Shift the right hand piece up and left so that the cut edge is on top of the 8 ft length to create a board almost* 12 ft by 2 ft:========================|...................................................................|..............................===================================|..................................===========|..................................|...................................................................|...............................||...............................|................................|...........==>...............|..................................============...............................||===========..................................|..................................|...............................|..................................................................||...................................................................|..................................===========================================================* If you use a saw to cut the board, you will lose some of the board into sawdust.

What is the name of the wood at the edge of the roof?

The wood at the edge of the roof is called the Fascia Board.

What is a rebate joint?

Assuming you are referring to a "rabbet" joint, the method is quite simple. Depending on your skill level and the application in which you are using this joint. A rabbet is a groove cut into the edge of a board to accept 1) another board (such as a drawer, small box, etc) or 2) a piece of glass, backboard or other material (such as the back of a bookshelf, a picture frame, etc) The rabbet can be cut using a rabbet bit on your router or can be cut using a stacked-dado blade on your table saw. The easiest method would be the router. Insert your rabbeting bit into the router. Be sure to have a bit with an attached guide bearing. If you do not have a router table you can clamp your piece to a work bench and clamp a scrap piece of wood to the top of your finish piece. (Measure the distance from the edge of the base plate to the center of your router. Then add 1/2 of the thickness of your bit) This measurement is where to set your scrap block to act as a "fence" for your router. After clamping your wood piece to your work bench, set the depth on your router to 1/3 or 1/2 of the thickness of the board. 1/2 is the Maximum. Keep the base of the router firm against the fence as well as flat against the piece being cut. Move router steadily across the edge of wood. If cutting a rabbet to fit into a dado, the same process can be used, except the material cut away should only be 1/4 the thickness of material, and should be cut on both sides of the piece, as well as both ends. Hope this helps. - wynncarpenter-

What is the difference between a jointer and a planer?

A jointer is used for putting a straight edge on a board. A planer is used for obtaining a flat surface on the board. With a jointer, you run the board through on it's edge, and with a planer you generally run the board flat.

What is a bevel edge?

A bevel edge is slanted from the perpendicular, like a board with the corners shaved off.