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Q: Can you attack someones queen as soon as he gets it back in chess?
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What is the chess piece on the Breaking Dawn cover?

Queen A pawn is at the back

Riddle me this The 8 of us go forth and back to protect our king from the foes attack?

chess pawns

Can your queen be taken straight away when you get her back in chess?

Yes , the promoted pawn may be captured at any time .

In chess can a king force a pawn over?

if when you say force over you mean attack and take , then yes but can only attack from the front, back ,sides ,and the diagonals not facing forward

What pieces allow you to get back apiece you lost if you get to the opposite end of the board in chess?

the pawn, of course!! (tho i still like the queen, lol)

What does braking someones back mean?

It means that you have broken a bone or a part in someones back.

What are the positions of the pieces in a game of chess?

Front row: pawns Back row: rook, knight, bishop, queen, king, bishop, knight, and rook

Before you were King he was subject to you now that you are King you are subject to him Who are you?

The answer to the riddle is "a chess piece," specifically, the pawn. In chess, a pawn can become a different piece, such as a queen, once it reaches the opponent's back row and promotes.

Can you win a piece back in chess?

you get one of your pawns to the other side of the board. then, you can take what ever piece you lost in the beginning. (besides a nother pawn)

What pieces can kill a king in chess?

Any piece may attack any other opponent's piece using its standard move. In addition, you can choose to attack using En Passant if you have an adjacent pawn and the opponent moves a pawn 2 spaces on its first move.

Who is find the chess game?

INDIANS discovered the game CHESS before a long back centuries......

In chess if you get your king to the other end without any pawns do you get apiece back?

Learn the chess rules at this website.