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The two kings may never face up to one another in Chess. This is because a king moving adjacent to the other king puts itself in check, because the other king would be able to capture the king that moved. It is illegal for a king to place itself in check, therefore it is an illegal move to face up to another king.

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15y ago
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8y ago

Wouldn't be advised to do so ... the player who places his/her king next to the opponents king would immediately lose the game as the opponent's next move would be to capture your king, and thus ending the game.

Games where just the two kings remain is usually considered a "draw", or "stalemate".

No, the kings cannot ever be side by side. Recall that the game is over (checkmate) when the king cannot move to escape attack (check). By attempting to move a king onto a square adjacent to the other king, this would be moving into check, and the king can never move into check. A move like the one suggested in the question is not a legal move in the game of chess.
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12y ago

No, they can't. Two kings can never get that close to each other, because it would have meant one moved into check on the previous turn, which is not allowed.

(The King is never really 'taken', in any case.)

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13y ago

The King may attack any other chess piece with the exception of the opposing King and can not move into check at any time .

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13y ago

In chess , once the pieces are set up , at the beginning of the game where they face their counterparts such as king opposite king .

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11y ago

No , the king remains the king and may not be changed unlike the promotion of a pawn once the pawn reaches the last rank where the pawn may be promoted to any piece other than a king .

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11y ago


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