No, Bishops move only diagonally. One is always on the Black squares & the other will only ever be on White squares.
Yes and no , some Chess pieces can move sideways whereas others may not - refer to the link below .
Yes, if he will not be in check when he takes the sideways square. The king can move into all the spaces 1 square from it taking a piece or not.
No, in the game of chess, the king can only move one square at a time in any direction: vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. The king cannot move in a "sideways" direction as that would put it in check.
Pawns cant move sideways just like that..... they can move only while attacking some other piece.........
no it can only move forward... but if it makes it to the other end it can turn around and you get a player that was lost.
Not in international chess, no!
Absolutely. The King or any other piece for that matter may move regardless of the fact that the Queen has been captured as long as the move is a legal move. Although, if your Queen has been captured and you haven't taken the other Queen, your King may not be moving for much longer as it is probably destined for a checkmate.
The Queen is second only to the King in strength and power for she , with the exception of the Knight , can move like every chess piece since she incorporates the power of every chess-men's move .
The objective of chess is to checkmate the king, where the king is in check by a piece and it cannot block the check, move to another square, or capture the piece checking the king.
Move your King 2 spaces first.
Because it's against the rules.