No , a king may not take another king because it violates one of the rules governing the game : a king may not move into check regardless of circumstance .
A bishop in Chess can move diagonally in any direction as the path is not obstructed by another piece.
The Bishop moves diagonally.
MoVe diagonally but theyalways stay in there colour
yes but only one space
Bishops are long distance pieces that can travel diagonally until they reach the end of the chessboard, or obstructed by another piece.
both vertically and horizontally
The bishop can move any number of squares diagonally
Niether. It takes by moving diagonally.
Diagonal attacking is the only way a pawn can capture another chess piece , besides a En Passant capture , since this is the only way a pawn can attack or threaten another chessmen . See related link below to additional information on how a pawn moves , attacks and captures .
No, Bishops move only diagonally. One is always on the Black squares & the other will only ever be on White squares.