yes ,interface can be defined inside another class
The affect of force on the object during collision is described by a quantity called momentum. It is defined as p = mv where = p is momentum, m = mass of the object and v is velocity.
I believe that means that the collision is not head-on, but somehow sideways. I guess this can be defined more precisely in terms of the objects' centers of mass.
I would guess NOTHING. I'm assuming it was a collision with something, even if only a snowbank, that caused the damage. Comprehensive is often defined as "other than collision".
Perusal , perusing ,
[object Object]
communication can be defined as the process in which information is exchanged and understood by two or more people or communication can be defined as the transfer of understandable information from one person to another.
A Colony.
A wave is defined as a rhythmic disturbance caused by energy moving from one place to another.
Anytime, in our state that you hit anything "lying" in the roadway it is defined in the policy as a collision. The only exception to that rule is animals dead in the roadway. Only if the retread was in the air when hit would it not be a collison claim.