

3 cues to remember when throwing?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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βˆ™ 11y ago

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It depends on what sport are you playing. Since it is unknown, I will answer all the possible things.

Cricket">CricketWhen 'throwing' the ball in cricket it is crucial to remember:

1.) Generate motion speed before your throw

2.) Locate well - Do not just bounce it right into his stick.

3.) Generate arm speed, causing your ball to bounce faster and harder.

FootballWhen you are playing football, the only one who throws the ball is the quaterback. There are many crucial things to remember, but here are the top 3:

1.) Drop Step - This causes you to be balanced, thus cause you to make a better throw.

2.) Arm Angel - If you drop your arm, you will not have good accuracy, and will end up hurting your arm.

3.) Lean - When throwing the football, make sure you have a lean going towards where you are throwing. This will create momentum, giving you more accuracy.

BaseballBaseball consist of throwing, all the time.

1.) Arm Angel - Just like football, if you do not have a good arm angel, you will have bad accuracy, and will have arm pain.

2.) Balance - Throwing off balance is very hard, and ends up causing you to throw a ball in the dirt or over his head. If you can, try to get your balance before a throw.

3.) Lean - Same thing as football.

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