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Q: What was the first sport played in the Colosseum?
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What was the first sport played in Canada?

Lacrosse is the first sport played in Canada which is also the first sport invented.

What was the colosseum so significant about it?

The Colosseum is so significant because of it's beauty and because in the Colosseum in there is where the sport is held and it is also significant because it is old and it is a memory for the Italians

First sport played?


Where did the canucks first areana?

The Canucks first played in the Pacific Colosseum. They played there from 1970-1995, when the Canucks moved into the new building, General Motors Place.

When were the first sport played?

At the Greek Olympics.

Were was the first sport played?

The first sport ever was running. Not necessarily track and field but racing from point to point.

What was the first sport ever to be played in Australia?

Cricket was one of the first sports played in Australia.

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What sport was played first Thanksgiving?

turkey chucking

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What is the first sport played?

catch. with a rock. the cavemen.