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A periodic disturbance of the particles of a of a body of water, such as in the passage of undulating motion, makes waves in the ocean.

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Q: What makes waves in the ocean?
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Do the energy in waves come from wind?

yes when the waves roll in the ocean... what do you think makes the waves... wind!

Do energy in waves come from wind?

yes when the waves roll in the ocean... what do you think makes the waves... wind!

How does the sun makes waves?

The Sun doesn't create waves on the ocean and large bodies of water. The waves are caused by the wind.

What is You make one of these when you speak the ocean makes a different type and you might have another kind in your hair?

A wave. You make sound waves when you speak, the ocean has waves on its surface and you can have waves in your hair.

Which waves are in the ocean?

Ocean waves created by energy in the water are the waves that can be found in the ocean.

What does wind and waves have to do with oceans and lakes?

da wind an da waves has somting 2 do with da ocean an da lake cuz it is da wind dat makes da ocean movebut if da wind 2 hard big waves come me no like big waves

What are waves in the open ocean called?

Waves in the open ocean are called ocean waves. These waves are generated by the wind and can travel vast distances across the ocean. Ocean waves can vary in size and strength depending on factors like wind speed and duration.

What causes a wave in the ocean?

There are a lot of answers to that. Things fall in the water, boats, sealife, the wind, underwater volcanic activity, earthquakes. But I would think the moon would be the biggest cause, since its gravity makes the tides pull the ocean.

Is ocean waves are a part of the environment?

Yes, ocean waves are part of the environment.

How does the stadium wave differ from a real ocean wave?

Stadium waves differ from real ocean waves because ocean waves use water and stadium waves use people.

What is the medium in ocean waves?

The ocean...

What is the source of energy in ocean waves?

The source of energy in ocean waves is primarily the wind. Wind blowing across the surface of the ocean transfers some of its energy to the water, creating waves. These waves can then travel great distances across the ocean.