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mile high clubs are the club in which people have sexual intercourse on a plane. This is not an actual club, but more of a phrase e.g I am now a part of the mile high club *woman walks out of toilet with smile on face*

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When a man and a woman have copulated in an aircraft, when it is in flight.

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Q: What is the mile high club?
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The cast of Mile High Club - 2011 includes: Wild Will as James Smith

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Mile High Club - 2011 was released on: USA: 1 May 2011 (internet)

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The Mile High Club is the last mission, epilogue, in Call of Duty 4.

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All in the mile high club

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join the mile-high club

How high is mile high sex?

Serious? A mile up. Mile high sex is performed on an airplane, hence the mile high club. Actually the highest, mile high sex would have to be over the dead sea as you fly over Israel because that is the lowest point on Earth.

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They join the mile high club after school.

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Pawn Stars - 2009 Mile High Club 5-1 was released on: USA: 28 November 2011

How do you unlock the mile high mission in modern warfare?

The Epilogue Mission "Mile High Club" is unlocked by completing the last mission in COD4. Also, it is in no way connected with the storyline.

What exactly is the mile high club?

=when you have sex on an airplane and wank people using pawn lol :)=

What does in the mile high club mean?

Being in the "Mile High Club" is a slang term that means you have had sexual intercoarse on an airborne aircraft. There are also probably clubs that pilots belong to that just so happens to also be named that. It means ''latrine'' or 'toilet' in the aeroplane

Just Cause 2 How do you find the Mile High Club?

The Mile High Club is a location to the East of the Panua mainland. Look for a white shape on the map, the club is held aloft by two airship balloons, this is the shape you can see. It is directly north of the space launchpads, and is clearly visible from there, and from many other nearby locations.