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Q: Did Michale Phelps swim across the ocean?
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Can crocodiles swim across the Atlantic Ocean?

No. First of all, most crocodiles do not swim in salt water, which is what the Atlantic ocean is. Secondly, they cannot swim such great distances.

How do you move to Australia from America?

Swim across the Pacific Ocean. :D

Did anyone swim across the Pacific Ocean?

No one swam the Pacific

Who is the person to swim across all 7 oceans?

it's physically impossible to swim across an ocean, let alone 7 of them. so nobody.

What is the name of the fossilized animal that cannot swim across the Atlantic ocean?


Did sam fellows swim across the Pacific Ocean?

I have no idea who Sam Fellows is but I know no one has swum across the Pacific.

Where get the medicine for jasmine in heart gold?

you have to swim across the ocean to the left and in the city there there is a guy who will give it to you

When did Michael phelps started to swim?

Michael Phelps started to swim from the age of seven onwards. It was partially because of the urging of his sisters and partially as an outlet for his great energy.

Why ships are build?

they are built to go on the ocean. or if your stupid they are built so you dont have to swim across the ocea.

Will Michael Phelps swim in the 2016 olypices?

No. He has decided to retire

Why does Michael Phelps swim?

His mom wanted him to be water safe

How fast can a Michael Phelps swim a 200 m butterfly?

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