Cristiano Ronaldo you are very gooooooooood player.I am nooob byceause i can not trick :'( .
Cristiano.ronaldo.private Cristiano ronalo may cengiz Turks yay goed fotbal ronaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaldo
Ok, nobody knows what BTr Skype is or if they even have one. You can contact them via email.
Yes , if you have Skype or her eMail address or her phone #
You can find the email address of a Skype ID from your contact list by going to the individual's profile. If the individual has made their email address public you will find it in there profile. If the individual has made their email address private you cannot find it.
skype email
Many do. Contact Skype via their online resource
Because they keep close in contact through email, phones and Skype.
ya i was just trying to figure this out too, if u find out how, could you send me an email?my email
Generally, for someone to have you on their contact list, they have to send you a contact request, which you would then have to approve. So the only people that have you on their contact list are people whose contact requests you have approved.
You Add Theyre Email That They Use On Facetime To A Contact And Just Call Them To Facetime