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it is usually not true and stereotypes it xD =D

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Q: What is the internets influence on sport?
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Hayo is this those internets?

yes these are those internets

Can you still be activated on Pokemon gts if your internets off?

no you can not :( srry your internets broken

Which sport is popular in Jamaica because of influence?

The sport is soccer.

How do players influence sport?

by playing

How many internets are in the world?

One. Internets is a internet humor term that was used by George W. Bush in 2000.

what are there any other serve out there for Internets server?

si there any other Internets serve out there beside yahoo Google

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How does you win the internets?

Over 9000

What are the measure's to erradicate illetracy?

The internets

What is the influence of Australia sport?

a round sand ball

What does internets mean?

It means computer searcher