"Revenue" is all the money made off a product before taxes and expenditures are taken into account. For example, if you sell a product for $10, your revenue is $10. Tax is $0.70, and say you spent $2 just to make the product. Your PROFIT is ten minus two minus seventy-cents. Do not confuse REVENUE with PROFIT. They are different.
Revenue that is generated internally!
Revenue that is generated internally!
You will have to specify if you mean by overall numbers or overall revenue generated.
If you mean who pays for the government, then it is the taxpayers money. All the money that you pay in government fees, road tolls, rates and taxes all go to the government.
profits that are generated thru distubuting of products of servies
It is estimated that the amount of revenue that the operating room has generated since its opening is about 2.59 billion dollars. This is based on the records of January 2014.?æ
Net Interest refers to the revenue that is got from the difference between cost of servicing liabilities and the revenue generated by assets that bear interest. This considered to be an excess revenue.
To determine total revenue from marginal revenue in a business setting, you can multiply the marginal revenue by the quantity of goods or services sold. This will give you the total revenue generated from each additional unit sold.
Capital income is that income which is recevied or generated from sale of capital assets like shares or gold etc. Revenue income is that income which is generated from basic business operating activities.
The three types of revenue are operating revenue, non-operating revenue, and other revenue. Operating revenue is generated from a company's primary business activities, while non-operating revenue includes income from secondary activities. Other revenue encompasses one-time or irregular income sources.
Matching Cost against Revenue principles stipulate that a revenue generated must have an associated cost to it. As & when a revenue is recognized, so is the cost.
Measure of profitability in relation to sales revenue, this ratio determines the net income earned on the sales revenue generated. Formula: Net income x 100 ÷ Sales revenue.