The most ever hit by a player in a game was four, by a bunch of different people. The Blue Jays hit 10 in a game. And there was a combined 12 homeruns in a game by both teams, which was done twice.
Reggie Jackson hit 5 homers in the 1977 World Series, which was a 6-game series. He hit one in game 4, one in game 5, and three in game 6.
Barry bonds
BaRoid Bonds - 39 HRs before the break in 2001; the same year that he hit 73 homers
hitting the most homers in the ALB
If you mean on The Simpsons Game, yes.
Mark whitten
Most likely because he was thought to be blind.
poems, and his most famous poems are "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey"
The new Yankee stadium
Albert Pujols with 47
the 1977 game 6 vs LA Dodgers