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Take him to the doctor.

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Q: Your son was playing football without pads and got hit in the middle of his chest now he is having pain when breathing or chest movement any answers?
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Where is he playing football at?

He is playing football where there is football.

Why do footballers like playing football?

a lot of different answers for this one its someone opinion some players play for money others play for fun there are a lot of answers for this one.

What is correct the boys are playing football now or the boys is playing football now?

The boys are playing football now.

What are the Dangers of playing arena football?

the dangers of playing arena football are the same as if you were to play outdoor football

When playing trumpet how can you continue playing without breathing where you need to?

You can use circular breathing where you breath in through your nose and store it in your cheeks ( I think, I can't do it)

What got Kaka into football?

he started playing football at the age of 4 because he got a football for Christmas and never stopped playing with it

Is cafu still playing football?

Yes Cafu is still playing football for a club in Brazil.

What part of body does playing football help?

Playing football helps the biceps, triceps, and quadriceps.

Which sport did William Webb Ellis invent?

Its claimed by picking up a football whilst playing in his school at Rugby, Warwickshire, England he started the movement to the game of Rugby.

Did Peyton Manning play football in elementary?

He started playing football on a team in seventh grade, but he was playing football in the backyard by the time he was 3.

When to use were and we're?

'Were' is the past tense of 'are' and 'we're' is a contraction of 'we are.'Examples:Were you going to play football?You were playing football this afternoon.We're playing football tomorrow.

Bob enjoys playing football and Jim enjoys playing hockey?

Bob enjoys playing football, and Jim enjoys playing hockey. This sentence could also be written with a semicolon instead of a comma. Bob enjoys playing football; Jim enjoys playing hockey.