No. One of the differences between speedball and all other paintball games is that Rate of Fire is key to pinning people down, and winning games. A pump gun would be a terrible idea against automatics in such close quarters.
what is dubel pump action
I would recommend 1 HP
Pump action weapons have a higher rate of fire but are harder to maintain.
i would not recommend it. that will have your fuel pump at a constant run when the ignition is switched on.
It is a pump action.
There is no pump-action mod for a Nerf Raider CS-35; it already has a built-in pump-action mod due to the way it is fired.
I belive It is an air pump I would recommend that you leave it there because it helps the engin breath better. it is an air pump and in some states it HAS to be in working order to pass emissions at inspections. It is the A. I. R. (air injection reactor) pump they put them on for emissions. I would recommend keeping it on to pass emissions testing
100-450 usd
More than likely the float is bad on the fuel pump, so i would recommend that you change the fuel pump.
The water pump is driven off the timing chain. I would recommend purchasing a repair manual for that vehicle if you are going to DIY.
There are many companies and websites that offer pump action shotguns for sale. Some of these companies that offer pump action shotguns are Scheels and Remington.
The cast of Pump Action - 2007 includes: Michael Donegan