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a frozen one because it's harder. Did you know, footballers actually have steel toe-caps on their football studs because the ball has actually been FROZEN to make it go faster, and if they didn't, they'd bread all their little toes off :)

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yes a footballl that is cold does weigh more more

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Q: Would a cold or warm football travel further?
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Does a football travel faster in hot or cold?

A football will typically travel faster in hot weather compared to cold weather. This is because the air molecules are more spread out in hot weather, reducing air resistance and allowing the ball to move more quickly through the air.

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Will a tennis ball or baseball go farther?

A warm basball would travel further since the molecules in the ball are moving faster than if it was colder. Although this change of temperature would be very insignificant in everyday life. There would be a greeter affect in the distance if the bat was warm compared to the ball being warm. So if you wan't the ball to travel far have a warm bat and then it will have a lot of 'pop'. If you hit it with a bat, a warm ball will go further. The molecules in the ball are held together less tightly and are more bouncy, so instead of work being done by vibrating the bat, all energy is transferred into the ball.

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Because when it gets cold during the winter they would want to travel to a place of warmer climate.

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Air tends to travel from regions of high pressure to low pressure, so it can move from warm areas to cold areas or vice versa depending on the pressure systems in place. Additionally, air temperature differences can create wind patterns that influence the direction of air movement.

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Energy travels from your hand to the cold surface. Cold is merely the relative absence of heat.

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Sound travels faster in warm air because the molecules are more spread out, allowing sound waves to move more quickly. In cold air, molecules are closer together, which slows down the transmission of sound waves.

Where does warm air and cold air travel to on the globe?

Warm air moves towards higher latitudes towards the poles, while cold air moves towards lower latitudes towards the equator. This movement is driven by the temperature and pressure differences between these regions.

What would happen on earth the Suns radiation could not travel through space?

If the sun's radiation could not travel through space, then the Earth would be a cold, dark, frozen rock, and nothing would have ever happened on it.

What would happen on earth if the suns radiation could not travel through space?

If the sun's radiation could not travel through space, Earth would freeze and become uninhabitable. The sun's radiation provides heat and light energy that is essential for supporting life on our planet. Without it, temperatures would drop dramatically and plant growth would cease, leading to widespread ecological collapse.

Is it easier catching a football in the warm or cold?

It is easier to catch a football when it is warm outside. When it is cold your hands are firm and it is harder to control it in your hands.

What would happen to the physical properties of a cold worked material if it were fully annealed and cold worked further?

It would have approximately the same characteristics of the material before it was annealed. In other words, it would almost be the same as the first time it was cold worked, assuming nothing was done to the material before it was cold worked the first time.