The word 'bullpen' is used in the sport of baseball.
No, the word smash is not an adverb.The word smash is a verb, noun and sometimes an adjective.
It is polo.
Another word for smash into is trash.
Slapshot is a term used in the sport of ice hockey.
The word punto is a Spanish word meaning point.In the sport of fencing, a punto diritto is used to describe a direct stroke or hit. In the same sport, punto reverso is used to describe a backhanded stroke.
Smash is just 1 one syllable word. So it would just be "Smash".
crashes, accident, impact, smash, bump ect.Impact, Smash, Crash
Yes, the word 'football' is a noun; a word for a sport, a game, a ball; a word for a thing.The noun 'football' is a common noun, a general word for a type of competitive sport or the ball used to play the sport.The noun 'football' is a concrete noun as a word for the ball used to play the game; a word for a physical object.The noun football is an abstract noun as a word for the game or the sport, a word for the sum total of rules, teams, space, and equipment used to play the game; a word for a concept.The noun 'football' is a singular, countable noun as a word for the ball used to play the game. The plural noun is 'footballs'.The noun 'football' is an uncountable noun as a word for the game or sport; a type of aggregate noun, a word representing an indefinite number of elements or parts.
smash,rally expedile,high clear,drop shot