

Will heat make a ball bounce higher?

Updated: 12/9/2022
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12y ago

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Yes, because the gas molecules in the tennis ball expand. When the molecules expand there energy increases.

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Q: Will heat make a ball bounce higher?
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Will a bouncy ball bounce when heated?

Yes, heating a bouncy ball can increase its elasticity and potentially make it bounce higher or more easily. However, excessive heat can also damage the material of the ball, so it's important to be cautious with how much heat is applied.

Will the ball filling make the ball bounce higher?

It may or may not because the properties of the filling determine the height to which a ball will bounce.

Will more air in a basketball make it bounce higher?

Yes. More air in the basketball will make it bounce higher. Yes. Replacing the air with even a lighter gasses, such as helium, results in a higher bounce. It follows that, removing air or using heavier gasses to inflate a ball will result in a lower bounce. YES. Adding more air to the ball lessens the particles in the ball to bounce around. Putting more air in a basket ball will definitely make it bounce higher. If you put light gasses in it like helium then it will bounce even higher. If you take air out of it, it will bounce lower.After a while of putting air in a basketball it starts to bounce lower.

How does temperature affect the height that a dropped ball bounces?

Temperature can affect the bounce height of a ball due to its impact on the elasticity of the ball material. In general, higher temperatures can make the ball material softer and less bouncy, resulting in a lower bounce height. Conversely, lower temperatures can make the material stiffer and more elastic, leading to a higher bounce height.

Why does a tennis ball bounce higher when dropped from a greater height?

Yes. It make it bounce higher because without air it is flat so it won't bounce at all

What force is needed to make a ball bounce?

The force needed to make a ball bounce depends on factors like the weight and material of the ball, the surface it lands on, and the height of the bounce desired. Generally, a greater force will result in a higher bounce, but it must be applied at the right angle and with the right timing to achieve the desired effect.

Does the temperature effect a balls bounce?

Yes, temperature can affect a ball's bounce. Colder temperatures can make a ball less bouncy due to a decrease in elasticity, while warmer temperatures can make a ball more bouncy as the materials become more flexible. However, the specific impact will depend on the type of ball and its composition.

What is the independent variable Will more air in a basketball make it bounce higher?

Yes it will because the pressure in the ball will push it up and down

How do you make sentence using bounce?

I watched the ball bounce. (active sentence) The bounce of a small ball was greater than the bounce of a large ball. (passive sentence)

Does grass or concrete make a soccer ball bounce higher?

A soccer ball will typically bounce higher on concrete than on grass. Concrete provides a harder and more solid surface, allowing for a better rebound of the ball compared to the softer and more absorbent surface of grass.

Does a tennis ball bounce higher when it is warmer or colder?

Hot. Personal experiments have shown that temperatures below 25°C make the ball bounce less. From 25°C and upwards there aren't any greater changes in height of bounce. The balls bounce almost the same.

What makes a ball bounce higher?

A ball bounces higher when it has greater elasticity, which allows it to deform upon impact and then quickly return to its original shape. Factors like material composition, air pressure, and surface texture also play a role in determining how high a ball will bounce. Additionally, the height from which the ball is dropped can affect its bounce height.