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Tim Tebow lives in Kiowa Colorado I do know his address because I work for him

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12y ago

He lives in Englewood CO. I know this because I installed windows in the house next door to his and even came out and was playing with his dog named Bronco.

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12y ago

Yes, he will stay with Denver and will split the starting line up through out the season with Manning in order to keep fans and team happy with a profitable winning season.

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Buell mansion

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Does Tim Tebow live in Denver?

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Where does Tim Tebow live in Denver?

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What team does Tim Tebow plar for?

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Denver Colorado

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Tim tebow is the Denver broncos QB. he is special because he can run good with the ball

Is Tim Tebow going pro?

yes, with the denver broncos

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currently no, he was renting a house in Denver

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