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yes if you run around and contribute to the game a lot

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24 for a pro 8 for a non pro

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they dont

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Q: Will Basketball make you sweat a lot?
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Do you scratch a lot in basketball?

Yes you do, it it is caused by the sweat sticking to your cloths.

I want my feet to sweat a lot. What kind of socks make feet sweat?

electric ones!

How many basketball players have a career playing basketball?

I would say a lot because you can make a lot of money playing basketball as a career.

Why does Alcohol make you sweat at night?

After consuming alcohol, there is a lot of fluid in the body, so therefore people who drink a lot will sweat a lot. It's how the body gets rid of the alcohol.

What helps get pot out of your system?

If you don't have much time just drink a lot of water and try to sweat a lot. Both of these will make it get out of your system a lot faster.

how can you make yourself stink?

Odor is created when you sweat a lot. So, if you want to stink, you should wear a lot during summertime and not bathe.

When you sweat a lot your body loses a lot of water and a little bit of salt what's happening to the tonicity of your body if you sweat a lot?

you lose it.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How many calories in a sweat potato?

a lot because it's sweat

How do you make the 8th grade girls basketball tryout?

Show a lot of hustle and heart!

How do you survive in the tropics?

You sweat a lot.

How do you survive the tropics?

You sweat a lot.

What are a lot of thing that describe basketball?

basketball shoes