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yes if you run around and contribute to the game a lot

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24 for a pro 8 for a non pro

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they dont

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Q: Will Basketball make you sweat a lot?
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Do you scratch a lot in basketball?

Yes you do, it it is caused by the sweat sticking to your cloths.

How many basketball players have a career playing basketball?

I would say a lot because you can make a lot of money playing basketball as a career.

What helps get pot out of your system?

If you don't have much time just drink a lot of water and try to sweat a lot. Both of these will make it get out of your system a lot faster.

When you sweat a lot your body loses a lot of water and a little bit of salt what's happening to the tonicity of your body if you sweat a lot?

you lose it.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How many calories in a sweat potato?

a lot because it's sweat

How do you make the 8th grade girls basketball tryout?

Show a lot of hustle and heart!

How do you survive the tropics?

You sweat a lot.

How do you survive in the tropics?

You sweat a lot.

What are a lot of thing that describe basketball?

basketball shoes

Is there a lotion that can make you sweat?

Sweet sweat

When you eat you start to sweat What causes you to sweat?

Not all foods make you sweat, but the ones that do make you sweat do so because the food is hot or spicy.

Why do you get sweat a lot when you play a lot?

Becausewe are using all our energy.