No. Barry will be spending his time battling legal issues rather than sneaky sliders. Apart from that, there are VERY few teams that really want to deal with the increased media hype, exposure, and bad images that are expressed everywhere outside of California. The scrutiny of taking a player who's name will be forever linked with cheating in Baseball carries too much negative power to counteract his potent bat. Barry's baseball career is done ... he has swung his bat for the last time in a Major League Baseball game.
Barry Bonds finished his career in 2007 with 762 home runs.
I hope so
he is the great player to play a baseball
Bonds played for the Pittsburgh Pirates from 1986 to 1992 and the San Francisco Giants from 1993 to 2007.
Barry Bonds debuted on May 30, 1986 and played his final game on September 26, 2007.
22 ... 1986-2007.
Barry Bonds played in 48 career postseason games.
Bonds played in 2,986 games from 1986 to 2007.
Barry Bonds's birth name is Barry Lamar Bonds.
Yes. Barry Bonds' last season as a major leaguer -- 2007 -- was Tim Lincecum's first year in the big leagues.