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because more blood in needed for the muscles

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because people love you

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the heat from all the people

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Q: Why would stroke volume increase in a soccer game?
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Related questions

Would an increase in contractility cause an increase to cardiac output?

Yes - an increase in contractility would lead to an increase in stroke volume. An increased stroke volume would cause an increased cardiac output.

Which of the following would cause the greatest increase in cardiac output?

Increased heart rate and increased stroke volume

What would happen to cardiac output if the stroke volume increased and the heart rate stayed the same?

Since the stroke volume increased then the cardiac out put would increase, pumping out more blood with the same amount of heart beats.

Would stroke volume increase or decrease if your unhealthy?

Stroke volume can decrease if you are unhealthy. Health conditions such as heart failure, heart disease, or dehydration can negatively affect the heart's ability to pump blood effectively, leading to a decrease in stroke volume.

If you wanted to describe an increase in volume to your class which of the following objects would be the best item to use?

A soccer ball and a pump

How does crank angle effect volume of cylinder?

The crank angle would change the stroke. The stroke would change the volume.

Why would an increase in stroke volume lead to a drop in resting heart rate?

I may be guessing here but I am thinking with an increase in stroke volume you body is getting more volume per beat ... therefore it compensates by lowering the heart rate. if your pump is more efficient then you body doesn't need your heart to pump as often. That's the only rationale i can think would cause it!

What objects would you use to describe an increase in volume?

what object would you use to describe an increase in volume? 1. a wooden box with holes 2. a rock and a cup of water 3. ice in a glass and a thermometer 4. a soccer ball and a pump

If the air in a carbon of milk was allowed to warm up what would happen to it?

Its volume would increase (apex)

When the volume of gas decreases would the pressure increase or decrease?

It would increase.

How would a decrease in blood volume affect both stroke volume and cardiac output?

It's decreased ... unless the rate falls, which is the normal cardiac response.

What are the factors that would increase stroke volume?

Factors that can increase stroke volume include increased preload (end diastolic volume), increased contractility of the heart muscle, decreased afterload (resistance to ejection of blood), and a higher heart rate. Adequate hydration, regular exercise, and a healthy diet can also support optimal stroke volume.