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they marked the begining of the war with britian

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Q: Why were the battles at lexington and concord so important?
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Did the Lexington win the Lexington and concord battle?

"Lexington" was not a team that was playing a game. When the shots were fired several of the 77 men in Concord died on the Lexington green. The British moved on to Concord where the battle at Concord Bridge took place, so there were two different battles. The British basically won the morning in Lexington, but lost the day at Concord and going back to Boston.

Why were the battles at Lexington and concord impotant?

it was impotant because lexinton was important so gaby dont u think u should try instead of looking at it in anser .com

What happen during the revolutionary?

during the revolutionary war, there were several battles such as lexington and concord and the battle of bunker hill and the battle of trenton. the battle of lexington and concord was the first battle and the first shot was so called heard around the world

Where did the battle of concord occur?

Concord, MA.The Battles of Lexington and Concord occurred on April 19, 1775 when the Minutemen took up arms against the British army. The battle continued as the British retreated back to Boston. So there was only a few casualties at Lexington and at Concord but there were many more casualties on both sides during the retreat.

Why was concord an important city in 1778?

Because Concord was the city where the Americans were supposadly hiding weapons (which they were), so the British marched from Boston to Lexington, to Concord... This is when Paul Revere warns people "The British are Coming" Unfortunately, he never made it to warn about the British, but Dr. Prescott did... He warned the people of Concord about the oncoming attack, and the militia came to ready...... This was one of the FIRST battles the Americans won in the Revolutionary war.... -Go History =)

Where did the battle for American's independence take place at?

There were many battles but the most decisive battle was at Saratoga in 1777 because the British lost so many troops. But just a few of the important battles are Lexington, Concord, Bunker Hill, and google the rest. The answer you might be looking for is Yorktown, because it was the last major battle of the Revolution in 1781.

Where did the battle for Americans independence take place?

There were many battles but the most decisive battle was at Saratoga in 1777 because the British lost so many troops. But just a few of the important battles are Lexington, Concord, Bunker Hill, and Google the rest. The answer you might be looking for is Yorktown, because it was the last major battle of the Revolution in 1781.

What was Lexington and concord?

lexington and concord was when paul rever set out to get more soldiers in the militia for the Americans. The british thought that the American colonists were storing ammunition and war supplies in concord so they went to lexington to try to stop the Americans and they killed a few colonists but no one knows who fired the first shot. Then, the british won and went to concord but American colonists militia was waiting there because they heard rever's and William dawes alarms. the American won

Why was Battle of Lexington and Concord important?

because it was considered the 1st of the American Revolution, so back then there was still a little bit of slavery. So they were trying to get there freedom back..

Why was the battle of Lexington and concord some important?

The battle at Lexington was known as "The shot heard round' the world." Mostly because it was the first shot that started the Rev. War, fired by Britain because the soldier thought he heard a gun shot. Concord was an attempt to attack the British and stop them, because they were marching toward Boston to take their ammunition and guns.

Why was the battle in lexington in concord so inmportant?

colonials won and it was important because the British thought they were going to whip there butt and it was the start of the revolutionary war

Who won the battle of Lexington?

It really was not much of a battle. About 70 colonist militia met the British and realizing they were greatly outnumbered, dispersed with few loses, so you can say the British won. the British then marched on to Concord. Along the way militia men hid in the wood and picked the British off.