Because AFC were originally created in the Dial Square Factory, as Dial Square FC, in the Royal Arsenal Armaments Factory in Woolwich. They made guns, cannons etc there and the cannon symbol was adopted for the badge. A cannon is a type of gun, hence Gunners.
Even from the start, Arsenal have had a cannon on their crest. This is how they adapted the nick-name 'The Gunners'.
it is gooners and gunners
Gunners are a nickname for Arsenal players.
The answer is Adebayor Adebayor give him the ball and he will score come on you gunners BY Ibrahim Barre
The Gunners
they were original a army team
Highbury = Nickname due to location. Arsenal stadium was the correct name.
The nickname for Arsenal is the Gunners. The 'saurus' part was made up so they can have a dinosaur-like mascot.
Arsenals stadium is called the emirate stadium.
Extension Gunners was created in 1962.
Fredericksburg Gunners was created in 2006.
Charleston Gunners was created in 2011.