Hurling is one of the most ancient sports there is. It seems to have been first played by the ancient Irish thousands of years ago, and has remained the national game (along with Gaelic football) ever since.
As a game, like any other sport. We can't say anything more specific than that, because hurling was first played by the Irish thousands of years ago, before there were written records in Ireland.
There are references to the Irish sport of Hurling as far back as 1272 BC. Down through the centuries the game evolved. In November of 1884 the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) was founded. Amongst its roles was to set rules and standards for Hurling and Gaelic Football. The GAA is still in existence and now looks after these sports and other activities. Like with any sport, rules of both games are still changed from time to time. The website of the GAA is below.
Hurling is an ancient sport with some legendary figures associated with it. There are definite records of the game going back for centuries. It is the fastest field game in the world and when seen live it is easy to understand why it is so popular and is one of Ireland's two national sports, the other being Gaelic Football. Hurling and Gaelic Football are run by the GAA (Gaelic Athletic Association). Every small town and even parish in Ireland has a GAA club with Gaelic Football and/or Hurling teams. Teams start from very young ages right up to adults, so the game is played by many from when they are children. In some parts of Ireland, Hurling is more popular and in other parts Gaelic Football is more popular, but both are played throughout the country. Hurling is strongest in south Leinster and Munster, with a number of other strong areas, like parts of Galway and Antrim.
It is not known who invented Hurling as it is a very ancient game. References to Hurling have been found as far back as 1272BC. In 1884, the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) was founded in Hayes Hotel, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, Ireland. One of its roles was to formalise and promote Hurling, but they were not the founders of Hurling. Since the GAA came into being Hurling has become a well organised sport with well defined rules. As in any sport its rules are occasionally changed. The GAA oversees such changes.
The game has prehistoric origins, and has been played for at least 3,000 years. It's thought to have come to Ireland with the Celts. The earliest written references to the sport are in Brehon law dating from the 5th century. In modern Ireland, the sport is administered by the Gaelic Athletic Association, which was founded in 1884.
See the links below.
It is not known who invented Hurling as it is a very ancient game. References to Hurling have been found as far back as 1272BC.
Catapult was used in ancient and medieval times, for hurling missiles, such as large stones or spears.
The two national sports in Ireland, Hurling and Gaelic Football. Hurling is a stick and ball game, similar to hockey or Lacrosse, and it is the fastest field game in the world. Gaelic Football has sometimes been described as a cross between soccer and rugby.
Gaelic Football, Hurling, Handball and Rounders.Gaelic Football, Hurling, Handball and Rounders.Gaelic Football, Hurling, Handball and Rounders.Gaelic Football, Hurling, Handball and Rounders.Gaelic Football, Hurling, Handball and Rounders.Gaelic Football, Hurling, Handball and Rounders.Gaelic Football, Hurling, Handball and Rounders.Gaelic Football, Hurling, Handball and Rounders.Gaelic Football, Hurling, Handball and Rounders.Gaelic Football, Hurling, Handball and Rounders.Gaelic Football, Hurling, Handball and Rounders.
A trebuchet is defined as a machine used in medieval siege warfare for hurling large stones or other missiles. The first trebuchet was invented by the Chinese in the 4th century BC.
Evert county in Ireland plays Hurling, so yes Co. Down does play Hurling.
Jumping is the definition of hurling,btw hahahahaahahahahahah
Kevin's Hurling club was created in 1902.
Milwaukee Hurling Club was created in 1996.
Hurling Club was created on 1922-08-22.
National Hurling League was created in 1925.
No, Donegal have never won the All-Ireland Senior Hurling championship.No, Donegal have never won the All-Ireland Senior Hurling championship.No, Donegal have never won the All-Ireland Senior Hurling championship.No, Donegal have never won the All-Ireland Senior Hurling championship.No, Donegal have never won the All-Ireland Senior Hurling championship.No, Donegal have never won the All-Ireland Senior Hurling championship.No, Donegal have never won the All-Ireland Senior Hurling championship.No, Donegal have never won the All-Ireland Senior Hurling championship.No, Donegal have never won the All-Ireland Senior Hurling championship.No, Donegal have never won the All-Ireland Senior Hurling championship.No, Donegal have never won the All-Ireland Senior Hurling championship.