There is a certain volleyball because you cannot use another type of ball, because they are all too heavy or too small, so the volleyball has to be big and light.
Volleyball is a ball that takes ver hard hits. This is a tough question. They do bounce and take very hard hittings.
beach volleyball is a game you play at the beach with friends or family. beach volleyball ball is a soft ball you play with.
Volleyball was introduced by the president of Singapore! He was very talented and suddenly he played with a ball and invented the game!!! (its true!)
Alfred Halstead, a newspaper reporter, noticed the volleying nature of the game and called it "volley ball." It was originally known as "mintonette." Volley ball was eventually shortened to volleyball. because the object of the sport is to volley the ball over the net Volleyball got its name from when you volley the ball and that the shape of the ball is a sphere.
Palming a volleyball is holding the ball in one of your hands with the hand holding the ball from the top of the ball.
VOLLEYBALL comes from the word VOLLEY which means to bump or hit and a ball is a round hard/soft object.VOLLEY+BALL=VOLLEYBALL. VOLLEYBALL+ME= my life.
Volley means to keep something off the ground. In volleyball the ball is not allowed to touch the ground. So essentially volleyball "keep the ball off the ground". I hope this helped. :)
A dead ball in volleyball is any ball that touches the floor or violates a rule, resulting in an end of the play.
With a Ball
for volleyball- v-ball,v.b.,voll ball. for volleyball player- volleyballer,v-baller,vollballer,or just plain baller