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The name' All Blacks' was coined on the New Zealand Rugby team tour of the British Isles in 1905-06. There are differing theories on the origin of the name. One theory is that the name came from a newspaper misprint; they were being described as 'all backs', that is, the forwards were passing and kicking the ball with the same skill as the backs, but the paper printed 'all blacks' instead. Another theory is that it was simply a reference to the all black colour of their playing strip. Other people believe it was probably a combination of, or confusion between, the two.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

All Blacks, first toured Britain in 1905. Reference to the team by the name "All Blacks" first appeared during this tour when a journalist covering a match in Devon (for the Devon Echo) refereed to the team as "the players in all black" when describing the game. Prior to this the strip was a navy blue top with white shorts. Then as the tour progressed a London newspaper reported the game and used the now famous name as a descriptor. The history of this name is recorded in the Devon evening mail in the UK.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The first New Zealand representative rugby team to tour beyond Australia were called "The Natives". At that time the colours were dark blue and NOT blavk - however, during the teams first ever visit to the UK they played a team in Devon (South West England)

The "Express & Echo in Devon appears to be the first to use the term All-blacks when it recorded the day the 1905 touring side beat Devon 55-4 in their first game, "The All Blacks, as they are styled by reason of their costume, were under the guideance of their captain (Mr Gallaher), and their fine physique favorably impressed the spectators".

By 11 October the Daily Mail by Buttery (UK), had also picked this up and reference "All Black" play and its complement, "All Black Cameraderie". From then on the new name gradually won acceptance, so much so that by early November, following the match with Surrey (1 November), the Daily Mail made direct mention of the All Black team "that everybody is talking about. And that is how they became name "The ALL BLACKS"

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βˆ™ 14y ago

New Zealanders are big, strong and generally good at rugby league or union


The game is one of continual development in NZ. Unlike soccer (football) in some other European countries Rugby is the New Zealand first game. The development programme has been driven home and well supported with huge regional recruitment phases. Added to this is the way the players are taught technique that meet the laws of the game. The management programme is excellent with the majority of the managers in both code being home grown. This is something that other countries are only just looking at.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The New Zealand Strip was not always Black. The shorts originally were navy blue but in 1905 they were changed to black. This then matched their tops.

During their tour of the UK in 1905 the "Maorilanders" as they were first known were playing in a team in the south west of Britain call Devon. A local reporter is recorded as being the first to use the description "all Black's" in a newspaper release on match day. Prior to this there are no records of that name being used.

The "Express & Echo in Devon reported that touring side beat Devon 55-4 in their first game. The report refereed to the New Zealnad team as "The All Blacks, because of their complete black strip under the guidance of their captain (Mr Gallaher), and their fine physique favorably impressed the spectators". The term stuck with the team as it moved around the UK and many other newspaper reporters then refereed to the touring party as "the All Blacks"

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The Original All Blacks ("The Originals") were the first New Zealand national rugby union team to tour outside Australasia.

They toured the British Isles, France and the United States of America during 1905-1906.

Their opening game was against Devon on 16 September 1905 whom they defeated 55-4. Such was the surprise that some newspapers in Britain printed that Devon had scored 55 points and not the All Blacks. They went on to defeat every English side that they faced, including a 16-3 victory over English county champions Durham, and a 32-0 victory over Blackheath. They defeated Scotland, Ireland and England with the closest of the three matches their 12-7 victory over Scotland. The teams only loss of the tour was a 3-0 defeat to Wales at Cardiff Arms Park.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Because its NewZeland and the rugby team wear black top and shorts and socks!

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Cuz dae bl@k

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It's a team? .. Not a company. The new Zealand rugby union team is called the all blacks. Hope this helped.

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All Blacks rugby team is from New Zealand. All Blacks rugby team doesn't compete in the World Cup, but it has competed in the Churchil Cup and in the Pacific Nations Cup.

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The New Zealand football team all white so they are called the all whites, while in Rugby they wear all black clothes , so they are called the all Blacks.

Which rugby team are called the All-Blacks?

The New Zealand Rugby team is referred to as All Blacks. The first New Zealand team to be referred to as All Blacks was the 1905-1906 Original team when they toured France and Britain. The team was referred to as All Blacks due to the color of their uniforms, which was a black jersey with a silver fern and white knickerbockers.

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