They fell into a competitive hole after 2003 where they could not acquire quality players and they changed coaches repeatedly. They are now in a rebuilding period with Ryan Tannehill as their quarterback.
the dolphin is a agile and intelligent animal,and there in Miami which is near the ocean,so a dolphin seemed like a good fit,i wonder what would happen if they were the Miami sharks
my opinion is no. but in football there is no team that is great every team has an bad day and an good day so they are still the same skills. all they have to do is put their skills to the test.
i dont know. does he even like football? you cant answer a question like so and so likes what football team if so and so doesnt like football. find out if he likes football first.
Chicago Bears because they had a bad 2011 season because they lost a lot of good players do to injury. So they are they are going to be the team to beat.
I'm not exactly sure, but a dolphin is smart, so it might mean to be smart or to think things out when you're in a bad situation. I'm not exactly sure, but a dolphin is smart, so it might mean to be smart or to think things out when you're in a bad situation.
They are a fantastic team as they have played for 122 years of football there gonna get promoted and win the league 1 they was bad last season but this season they are covering the gaps and I think they would by 2nd or 1st
there not a bad team ...
There are so many of them
It was founded for the American Football League, but the NFL made a stronger offer for the team, so the team waited until 1961 and became an NFL team.
Hup Lee?
Mainly there a bad football team because of there lack of hustle. Aaron Rodgers just eats darn patato chips and looks at himself in the mirror all day. Should I talk about Greg Can't-catch-a-pass Jennings, I mean wow what an awful football team. They could be beat by a 3rd grade dance class!
Uni of So Cal