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"A brace" is a general term used for two of anything in the English language, including goals.

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12y ago
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13y ago

It's because when you score 2 goals ,you hold them together in a brace to hopefully get another to make it a hat trick.

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13y ago

It's a term that comes from the country sport of shooting. Killing two pheasants is called a brace. Therefore, 'shooting' and scoring two goals is a 'brace'.

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It is known as a brace.

What does the term brace mean in soccer?

Its when a player scores 2 goals. Common names for goals: 2 goals = Brace, Double 3 goals = Hat-Trick, Treble

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A brace is when a player scores two goals "Coventry city 2 Leicester city 0 two goals by Kevin Kyle. Kyle scores a brace for Coventry"

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A brace is when a player gets 3 goals over 2 consecutive games EG - a player scores one goal in the one game and the next game he scores 2 goals that would be classed as a brace

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By scoring 2 goals ! I hope that is what you meant !

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A score is twenty - so two-score is forty.

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The noun 'brace' is used as a collective noun for:a brace of deer (2)a brace of bucks (2)a brace of dogs (2)a brace of hounds (2)a brace of ducksa brace of partridgesa brace of pheasantsa brace of geldingsa brace of dentistsa brace of orthodontistsa brace of orthopedistsa brace of sheiksa brace of stagehandsa brace of pistols

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A brace is 2.

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