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Q: Why is it possible to throw a 0.145 kg baseball further than a 7 kg bowling ball?
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Does the weight of the softball and the baseball effect the speed?

Well if you throw a bowling ball and a golf ball, which is gonna go faster?

In which sport can you throw a curve ball?

Baseball is the only sport to have a technique officially called a 'curve ball'. However, the various forms of bowling, including bowls (aka lawn bowling) also sometimes refer to the hooking of the ball after its release as a curve.

Which has more momentum a golf ball or a bowling ball?

A bowling ball has more momentum. You cannot throw it as fast, but a tenpin ball weighs 16 pounds and a baseball only 1/3 pound. Momentum is mass times velocity and if you throw the bowling ball at 10 mph but the baseball at 90 mph the bowling ball still has much more momentum.

How is kickball demonstrated?

you have a baseball field and you roll a bowling ball and you try to kick it as hard as you can and you try to catch it or throw it at the person who kicked it.

Why was bowling ball invent?

to throw at the pins

Why don't bowling balls have 5 holes?

bowling balls have 3 holes because it is easier to throw and we wont be able to throw it with all 5 fingers in.

Want are the techiques for bowling in rounders?

throw the ball :)

How can you be more accurate with your baseball pitch?

throw it as hard as possible dont suck

What is a wicked googly?

A googly is a kind of pitch similar to a baseball pitch or a bowling throw in the game Cricket, a wicked one would be a really good one.

Can you list ten sports that can't be timed with a stopwatch?

shotput, baseball, tennis, golf, diving, discus, hammer throw, high jump, bowling, archery

Three examples of throwing events?

Shot put: In shot put, athletes throw a heavy metal ball as far as possible from a circle. Javelin throw: Athletes throw a long spear-like implement called a javelin as far as possible within a designated sector. Discus throw: In discus throw, athletes throw a heavy circular disc as far as they can from a circle within a designated sector.

What are some online bowling games?

There is casual bowling, here you just have to throw a strike. Then you have strike zone, this is very realistic, you have to get the angle of the ball right. There is also king pin bowling, you decide where to aim and then click and hold and throw the ball. There are a lot of other online bowling games to find on the internet.