curry? as in the spice? its an orange/brown color
Stephen Curry's eyes are brown/hazel.
Tim Curry is Caucasian (white).
because bobby done a poo on it
Curry is actually a blend of spices that include cumin, coriander and turmeric (that bright yellow color). Here's a good recipe from Alton Brown of the Food Network.
Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, Curry, with lots of chillies
no you put in ellie brown martin though
Curry is actually a combination of spices, and that combination changes on the region and local flavor of that region. You could have red curry, brown curry, or yellow depending on the ingredients mixed... Cumin is a good substitute overall tho.
He has blue eyes.
In Pirates Of the Curry Bean, Deadeye is a "retired" pirate, so his costume should be that of a rustic sailor (not the same as the Curry Bean pirates) - brown waistcoat, white shirt, brown knee britches and the all important eyepatch and optional scars on his face. See "Pirates Of The Carribean" and look at Joshamee Gibbs for ideas!
To cook tofu for curry, start by pressing the tofu to remove excess water. Then, cut it into cubes and pan-fry or bake until golden brown. Add the tofu to the curry sauce towards the end of cooking to allow it to absorb the flavors.
This is a cooking pot recipe! Blue Curry + Green Curry + Red Curry + Yellow Curry + Orange Curry + Purple Curry + Indigo Curry + Curry Rice = Rainbow Curry!!!