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Because they THINK they have the authority to get involved. The thing you have to understand about Congress is that, particularly when Democrats are in charge, they THINK they should have control over everything that happens in the entire world. So they IGNORE constitutional restraints on their actions and TRY to legislate everything they can get their arrogant, power-hungry hands on. Or at least hold HEARINGS about it. They are, unfortunately, successful for the most part at these power grabs because the President, the Supreme Court, and most importantly the PEOPLE, do not reign them in.

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Q: Why is congress involved with steroids?
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they said it was illegal!

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What is involved in the synthesis of steroids?

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

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What organelle is involved in the synthesis of steroids in glands and breakdown of toxic substances?

The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is involved in the synthesis of steroids in glands. It is also involved in the breakdown of toxic substances through a process known as detoxification.

What happenned to Jose canseco?

took steroids and wrote a book about it. Testified before congress.

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Congress isn't involved in the National Security Agency. However, it should be involved in order to regulate the agency.

When do teens usually get involved with steroids?

i know someone who got involved freshmen year due sports and the pressure to be big from the coaches.

What sports have steroids involved?

Lots of them but here are a few, Football, Basketball, baseball, & boxing

What gives Congress the authority to interfere in national sports and the use of steroids?

The FDA has the responsibility of monitoring drugs that can be unsafe.

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Which "Congress?" The US Congress was not involved with Muslims at all during this period.

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