

Why is camogie not called hurling?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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14y ago

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Camogie is the women's variation of Hurling. There are some differences in the rules, so they are not the exact same game, hence the use of a different name.

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Q: Why is camogie not called hurling?
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What is girls hurling called?

The variation of the sport of hurling that is played by women is known as Camogie.

How is camogie significant to Ireland?

One of Ireland's national sports is Hurling. The female equivalent of Hurling is Camogie. So it is a prominent sport in Ireland, much as Hurling is.

What year did ladies hurling start?

The version of Hurling played by ladies is known as Camogie. The first rules for it were drawn up in 1903 and The Camogie Association was founded in 1904.The version of Hurling played by ladies is known as Camogie. The first rules for it were drawn up in 1903 and The Camogie Association was founded in 1904.The version of Hurling played by ladies is known as Camogie. The first rules for it were drawn up in 1903 and The Camogie Association was founded in 1904.The version of Hurling played by ladies is known as Camogie. The first rules for it were drawn up in 1903 and The Camogie Association was founded in 1904.The version of Hurling played by ladies is known as Camogie. The first rules for it were drawn up in 1903 and The Camogie Association was founded in 1904.The version of Hurling played by ladies is known as Camogie. The first rules for it were drawn up in 1903 and The Camogie Association was founded in 1904.The version of Hurling played by ladies is known as Camogie. The first rules for it were drawn up in 1903 and The Camogie Association was founded in 1904.The version of Hurling played by ladies is known as Camogie. The first rules for it were drawn up in 1903 and The Camogie Association was founded in 1904.The version of Hurling played by ladies is known as Camogie. The first rules for it were drawn up in 1903 and The Camogie Association was founded in 1904.The version of Hurling played by ladies is known as Camogie. The first rules for it were drawn up in 1903 and The Camogie Association was founded in 1904.The version of Hurling played by ladies is known as Camogie. The first rules for it were drawn up in 1903 and The Camogie Association was founded in 1904.

Does camogie and hurling have the same rules?


Irish Gaelic name for hurling stick?

The Irish Gaelic name for hurling stick is camán (hurling stick). A camóg (camogie stick) is somewhat smaller and is used by women in the game of camogie

What sports do the Irish do?

Gaelic football, camogie, hurling.

What is the girls version of Hurly?

Camogie is the name of the sport played by women that is the equivalent of the sport played by men that is called Hurling. Sometimes Hurling is informally referred to as Hurley.

How many different Gaelic sports are there?

There are 5. Rounders, hurling, camogie, handball and Gaelic football.

What sports are not that common?

Handball Hurling Camogie Gaelic Football Aussie Rules

Who won feile last year in hurling football and camoige?

St.ciallians won the camogie all Ireland :)

Is racquetball part of the gaa?

No.. Football, hurling, camogie, handball snd rounders are the 5 gaa sports

What do people do for fun in the Irish culture?

we have a celei or play hurling/camogie Irish dancing go to the pub.