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It isn't... In some countries the games are played from March-November because it is too cold to play during the winter while in other countries it is too warm to play during the summer and then most leagues give their players a couple of weeks vacation during the summer like on regular jobs. That's why most leagues play from June-May, and in some leagues there's a break from Nov-Jan

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Football is a winter sport in nations where the climate is hotter. Colder climates have football during the summer, as well as the MLS, traditionally because this opens up a lot of opportunities to loan players from Europe who don't want to lose all their competitive rhythm over their summer vacation.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

This is because the air is more compressed and is a lot denser when you kick it.

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Q: Why is a soccer ball harder to kick in cold weath er?
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How does the temperature of a soccer ball affect how far you can kick it?

Yes it does affect it cold does not go as far as a heated ball

Can I play soccer with a cold fever?

if you want to put germs and barf on the ball be my guest

Does the temperature affect the bounce of a ball?

I'm not too sure about the answer myself, but I'll take a crack at it. My understanding is that temperature increases the kinetic energy of air particles (molecules) in the ball (e.g. on a hot day a balloon expands. Likewise, on a cold winter day, the balloon tends to shrink a lot quicker). When "excited" (through increase in temperature), particles tend to speed up, and bounces against the inner wall of the ball. This results in an overall increase in pressure inside the ball, which thus results in a higher bounce (e.g. a soccer ball pumped fully bounces higher than a partially deflated soccer ball).

Is it easier catching a football in cold or hot?

are you serious? its obviously easier to catch a football in hot weather, cold weather makes it harder because your hands are cold and the ball is hard and hurts bad when its thrown fast to you

How does the temperature of the golf balls affect the golf balls height?

A warm golf ball will come off the club faster than a cold ball, with subsequent more spin. So up until a realistic point, a warm ball will fly higher and farther than a cold one. Largely because a cold ball is harder to compress than a warm softer one. Will being cold or warm cause a golf ball to fly at a higher trajectory relative to it's distance.

Does the temperature affect the speed of a baseball?

Cold weather makes it harder to pitch, because your muscles get tight and cold. Warm weather lets you pitch harder and looser, but can wear you down quicker. Rain does not affect much unless it is a cold rain, although it can make your grip slick on the ball.

What are the difference between a hot and cold softball will it bounce different?

I did my science fair on this, there was no huge difference in the two. But when hitting the hot and cold ball you could definitely feel a difference. In my project i concluded the cold ones go further because they are harder

Is the demarini voodoo bad when its cold?

Like all bat, it will lose some performance. The main reason using your better bat in the cold is a bad idea because of the ball. The ball will become much harder and possibly damage your bat. BTW: I have the voodoo. If you hit it hard off the sweet spot, you won't be seeing that ball anytime soon :)

How does air temperature and air pressure affect the distance a soccer ball can be kicked?

if it's cold,mit'll be like cold n' all. n if itz Warm, use ur imagination. -omg itz rob

Hot is to cold as NASCAR is to what?


Does a soccer ball go faster in the air on a cold or hot day?

A soccer ball generally travels faster in the air on a hot day compared to a cold day. This is because warm air is less dense than cold air, creating less air resistance for the ball to travel through.

Is it harder to survive in a really hot place or really cold place?

cold in my opinion