Matt Carle was born in Anchorage, Alaska on 09-25-84.
Matt Carle was born on 1984-09-25.
NHL player Matt Carle is 6'-01''.
Matt Carle plays for the Tampa Bay Lightning.
Matt Carle plays defense for the Tampa Bay Lightning.
NHL player Matt Carle shoots left.
NHL player Matt Carle weighs 205 pounds.
Matt Carle is number 25 on the Tampa Bay Lightning.
NHL player Matt Carle was born on 09-25-84 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 29 years old.
Matt Carle - defenseman - University of Denver
James van Riemsdyk, Matt Carle and Brian Boucher.
Matt Flanders was born on August 4, 1971, in Sitka, Alaska, USA.