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Madden was one of the greatest coaches ever in the history of football, should be put in the hall of fame, and now he does great football comentary, well known for Monday Night Football with Al Michaels, who broadcasted Miracel on Ice, the greatest olympic game ever witnessed and nothing will ever be as amazing.

P.S: Hope I did a good job answering your question.

John Madden was a great coach, however as an announcer he stunk, he did for football exactly what Howard Cosel did for boxing & football, made it unbearable to to listen & watch at the same time

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

He was a lineman as a professional player and size and girth are valuable assets in these positions. Also, aging will often naturally add weight to a man or woman. Don't forget he is also by nature a large individual.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

John Madden first became famous as the coach of the Oakland Raiders in the National Football League. He was an excellent coach, and his team won the Super Bowl in 1977.

After his coaching career, he became a broadcaster for NFL games, and he was the top commentator on TV for 30 years. In addition, EA Sports created a football video game and named it after Madden. Madden NFL has been the biggest-selling video game in history.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

John Madden is most known for coaching the Oakland Raiders to victory in Super Bowl XI during the 1976 football season. He can currently be heard broadcasting many NFL games. He is also well known for the popular video game series Madden NFL.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Because madden the game is named after


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no he is 73 years of age.hell no john madden is not dead

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John Madden is still alive as of September 2021. There is no information about his death.