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because the team is the cowboys and cowboys are rowdy

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Q: Why is Dallas Cowboys mascot Rowdy?
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Samir keshvara, auckland, new zealand, beachlands

Who was the cowboys mascot before rowdy?


Prior to Dallas accepting their mascot as ROWDY, who was the unofficial mascot for more than 40 yrs?

Crazy Ray

What is FC Dallas' Mascot?

== == * Official Mascot of the Dallas Cowboys -- "ROWDY" the cowboy. == == * There was also "Crazy Ray" Jones for years and years. Watch NFL films version of Super Bowl XII of him wiping the sweat off of his face with a Denver Broncos pennant. Crazy Ray was an unofficial mascot for the Dallas Cowboys for many years. He passed away within a year ago. The Cowboys organization held a memorial service in honor of him. It was all over the dallas Cowboys website at the time.

Who was the unofficial mascot of the Dallas Cowboys for more than 40 years?

Cowboy Bill I believe.

Who is the best NFL mascot?

the best mascot is rowdy or blue

Sentence using the word rowdy?

The rowdy cowboys made a lot of noise. Don't be so rowdy during recess.

What is the name of Wyoming Cowboys mascot?

Cowboy Joe is the name of the Wyoming Cowboys mascot.

Can a college mascot be the same as an NFL mascot?

ummm. yeah... here are some examples. Bowling Green State University Falcons---> Atlanta Falcons. Oklahoma State Cowboys--->Dallas Cowboys. Colorado State Rams---> St. Louis Rams. I could go on, but absolutely you can have the same mascot for NCAA and NFl.

How did the Dallas Cowboys become the Dallas Cowboys?


What is a sentence using the word rowdy?

Rowdy means boisterous. The rowdy cowboys shot their pistols into the air. A rowdy crowd gathered outside the sold-out concert.