In 1902, noting the youth movement lead by new manager Frank Selee, a local newspaper penned the nickname Cubs for the first time. The moniker prevailed over time and was officially adopted by the club in 1907. It is currently one of the longest running-and most beloved-alias' in all of sports
The mascot of White Bear Lake MN is the Bear. They are the White Bear Lake Bears.
California's mascot is named Oski the bear.
Berkeley's mascot is Oski the Bear.
UMaine or University of Maine's official mascot is a black bear named Bananas. However, the original mascot wasn't a black bear. It was an elephant. The black bear became the official mascot when a live black bear cub was given to the college for good luck. The mascot's name was a result of the crowd reactions to the bear.
A bear.
Bloomfield Bear is the mascot of Blackpool FC.
The mascot is a Polar Bear.
The reason is because before the Memphis Grizzlies were in Memphis they were from Vancouver, British Columbia. They got the Grizzly Bear mascot because the Grizzly Bear was Native to the land so they adopted it for their mascot.
Koala bear
Kodiak Bear
The mascot is the "Black Bear." Go Black Bears!!