because his parents are brothers and sisters causing him birth defects-answer by Dwayne Wade
they look tasty to me
The numbers at the bottom of a check look weird. These numbers look weird so that they are not easily reproduced and faked.
there wedges
Akhenaten was not found yet so the information is to be continued
so they dont want to look weird
cause it will look weird cause it will look weird
YES!! his new haircut makes him look so weird!!
They are not so weird looking. THEY ARE HOTNo. I think they are wierd looking.They are so HOT!Of course they are cute!Cute?! They are GORGEOUS!I think they look weird to.They are nice kids.They look really weird no offense to anyone who likes them.i think the Jonas brothers are so cute!daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa no their not cute their rather ugly
Tutankhamun was the son of Akhenaten, but was not the immediate succesor of Akhenaten. After Akhenaten died a pharaoh named Smenkhkare, who is believed to have been a younger brother of Akhenaten, may have been a co-regent of Akhenaten and ruled for a few years after his death. There is a second pharaoh who ruled between Akhenaten and Tutankhamun; Neferneferuaten, a female pharaoh whose identity is unknown. There are several theories to who she may have been; she may have been the wife and co-regent of Smenkhkare, or the daughter of Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti, or even Nefertiti herself. So the line of succession went from Akhenaten, Smenkhkare (?), Neferneferuaten (?) then Tutankhamun.
no, I dont think it would look weird at all
What do you mean by "weird"?
akhenaten existed in 1353