leeds united are just a load of wank and just blatonly cant play football
I have always heard 7 years bad luck.
Life and karma are cruel that way. I have pretty rotten luck too.
It is considered to be bad luck in the Hawaiian culture because the sailors there would always take bananas with them on the boat, the bananas would always rot around the time the boat got far enough into the ocean, sea, etc. to catch any fish, the Hawaiians associated this with bad luck.
It is bad luck to be superstitious.It is bad luck to be superstitious.It is bad luck to be superstitious.It is bad luck to be superstitious.
Good luck bad luck it's all a bunch of bull. How things pan out for you has to do with your mindset. If you think you are always having bad luck then it just seems to work out that way. It is self sabotage Think positive be positive that is it. I hope this helps answer your question, have a nice day and oh! good luck.
because you think its bad luck to step on them.
No they are not bad luck because Bad luck is not real
This is from my point of view but i believe that if you believe in superstition you get bad luck rather than people who don't believe in it.E.G, I am not superstitious and i rarely have bad luck where as my friend believes in bad luck and she is always falling over and getting embarassed.Hope this helps!
When something bad happens we say "What bad luck!"We do not say "What a bad luck!" because that is not correct in normal English usage.
Breaking glass is not good luck- it is bad luck. If you have bad luck coming your way, breaking glass will, according to superstition, eliminate it. Breaking glass, without any (bad luck) precursor, will supposedly manifest itself in only bad luck. Speaking in more detail, according to superstition, when one has bad luck coming his or her way, breaking a mirror works as a shield to bad luck. A mirror is a reflective device. When one breaks a mirror, it will reflect the bad luck of a broken mirror. But, when already in the presence of bad luck, it reflects the bad luck in the bad-luck dimension. Bad luck in the bad luck dimension is good luck, which we all obstinately have.
It is bad luck to break a mirror. There is no not bad luck in breaking a mirror.
Bad luck.