

Why guns are good?

Updated: 10/20/2022
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βˆ™ 12y ago

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Guns are inanimate objects and are thus neither good nor bad. Guns are tools that can be used for good, bad, or neutral purposes. True, but this depends on what you want to do with it. You can kill people with a knife but you can peel an apple and feed the hungry with it too. This depends on your personal opinion.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

They give you the ability to protet yourself,your family,and your home from crime in your community.They give you the ability to feed your family thru hunting.They provide a excellent sport that the whole family can partake in.The hobby of reloading your own ammo is a excellent hobby.

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Guns are tools. Tools are neither good or bad. The behavior of the PERSON using the tool is what is good or bad.

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puma guns are bad. dont buy them. anything but a puma gun. puma guns can eat dirt.

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It depends on what you mean, but the answer is, no. Guns are not good or bad. Guns are inanimate lumps of metal and plastic that can be used for a variety of things.

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You Can't. Good BB guns cost. You might find some used ones on Craigslist.

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There is no such thing as high voltage paintball guns.

What can be purchased at Guns Sporting Goods?

A wide variety of hunting related equipment can be purchases and guns sporting good stores. Products such as guns, ammo, fatigues, boots, insect repellent, and much more are offered at all guns sporting good stores.

Are guns always bad?

Actually, guns are neither good nor bad. They are simply a bit of machinery. They can be used for good or bad reasons, to do good or bad things. By good or bad PEOPLE.